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About Technical Data Trade Office

Our establishment commenced after we surpassed a long experience in the field of poultry equipment, and such experience exceeded some twenty years since the start of 1983. We have gained through our experience the confidence of the customer engaged in this filed, besides trustworthy and high precision dealing of our tasks as our philosophy is always to include them in the frame of our efforts and satisfaction about our works regardless of profitability.
We have not stopped at this limit, but rather we ourselves and our works so as to reach the best in the quality as well as focusing our attention on what occurs in our customers minds of other tasks touching our field of activities or which we have merged such activities.
Our establishment has an integrated working team capable of achieving tasks which call for high skill within a limited period.
We hereby welcome your inquiries and thank you for your interest in what we undertake for works.

Eng / Mohamed Taema



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