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This is what water usage says about the health of your poultry

We have said it before; water is an essential nutrient for poultry to perform well. Water is involved in all the body's processes and is therefore crucial for the growth of your birds and the quality of the eggs. The water usage is not the same as the water consumption. However, it can be one of the first indicators that something is wrong with your animals' health.

How do you check the water usage?

The most convenient way to monitor water usage is to check the water meter in the poultry house on a daily basis. The water meter registers the water that is used in your poultry house. Keep in mind; this is not solely the water that your birds drink, but also the water they waste while drinking. By monitoring and comparing water usage daily, you get a clear picture of your animals' drinking behavior. It is important you measure the usage around the same time every day to get a consistent outcome. It is also helpful to save the data as comparison material for the next rounds.

Also, we highly recommend you to walk through the house every day. This way, you can study your poultry's drinking behavior and, at the same time, check the drinking nipples for any leaks or blockages.

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